Tuesday, 15 March 2016


For this project we were told to make a piece of work that spoke out to us personally. So I decided to use the subject of crime. Since of the social stigma surrounding the subject of crime and the criminals seem to be of a negative nature, I decided to focus on the reasons behind all the delinquent acts. To do this I decided to use Photoshop and photography to utilize the impact to the best of its effect. My target audience is of Teenagers, and Young Adults this is because having this targeted at the part of the public in their advance ages would be pointless since they have already made their minds up and takes too long to persuade them unless a major event happens, however on the other end of the spectrum is if this was target at Children it would be effective however they are too impressible and so by the next they changed their mind and end up hating what they liked the other day. So i chose the middle ground since Teenager and Young Adults have the ability to think for themselves and won't be persuaded by a single opinion. Luckily for me I didn't have any copyright problems since i have taken all of the images myself and it's all my own idea, also I have linked all secondary research that I have gotten from the internet.

I first tried to find a case study on crime and it has led me to the case study made by a certified doctor. The reason on why this inspired me is that the points he makes about the different reasons on why a person does crime, he states 5 reasons behind the crimes he says, The first would be ordinary people who were driven to crime by overwhelming external circumstances (Poverty/Debt). His second point is that there are normal members of the public that lack higher brain function such as rationality and so they get carried away by an irresistible impulse. The third point he make is about the neurotic criminal who is driven by an equally irresistible but unconscious force, the nature of which is unknown to him. He regards his criminal tendencies as not his  own and tries to hide them away and struggle with it by him self. His fourth point is of the genuine criminal who prides himself on the delinquent exploits. Lastly he talks about a group of criminals whose behavior is the result of mental deficiency or organic illness (Schizophrenia and Pyromania). However he disregards them through out the rest of the report since he was lacking proof of correlation and effect. This was only my secondary research so in order to confirm this I decided on doing some primary research that doubles as quantitative research. I did this by using Survey Monkey and made a few questions that asked different aspects of criminals and their particular behavior. As you can see most of the public agrees with the first reason on the case study.

This is the type of image I was hoping to go for since it show how insane the law has gotten and how something as art is treated as a crime, I wanted recreate this image however i wanted to incorporate my primary into so i decided to use a duality to my final image. This will be a man with his face hidden by his hood. I used a template to show my model this allowed me to adjust the model appropriately.

I used a Samsung WB100 as well as a 16 GB class 10 SD card this allowed me to take enough test shots so it gave me more choice when picking the best image. The place we used as the studio was a stair well just outside the storage for all of the medias cameras and there accessories. I had the Model stand in front of a blue wall. I used Photoshop for my editing. I did this since it has more tool fir editing. For the editing tool i used was as followed; liquid, cutting and text. These tools were mainly used to help deliver my message of duality, this is by having the words made from the text tool warp it into the model. I also added a wall texture behind the model and a black bar between the bottom and top. I also used the smudge tool around the bottom to  have some kind of symbolism of the world changing along with the times. I have complete my final design and it matches up with my sketches as well as with my sketching.If i had to do something differently next time i will probably add in back ground models to make it look like a giant crowd is behind the main model and so the words won't be only protruding from the main model but it being a collective thought sort of a hive mind with a single thought and it would double the meaning since I could've of had the crowd as actual members of the public throwing insults at the model.The reason on why I would do this is because in the 21st century we have a synthetic hive mind in the for of the internet, this is because on the internet is the collective accumulation of all information that helps progress human society, in other words its like an ant hive all helping each other to survive. I had some trouble with keeping to the schedule because of circumstance out of our control such as faulty equipment, bad weather and pre-planned events made by the college. These are Expo Week as well as holidays such as a bank holiday, so to get around this I did most of the work that didn't need the Photoshop software as well as cameras in my free time.  

if i was you i'd add more detail to your personal project and green screen blog with photos and transistons and that for dat distinctionnnn

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